March 26, 2023

Can Google search engine ever fail?

Google search engine has become an integral part of the online world, allowing us to quickly and easily access information. However, despite its reliability, Google search engine can fail. This can be due to a number of factors, including server overloads, outdated software, coding errors, and malicious attacks. In these cases, users are unable to access the search engine, leading to a frustrating experience. To reduce the chances of failure, Google has implemented measures such as regular software updates and sophisticated security systems. However, with the ever-evolving nature of the internet, Google search engine can still fail from time-to-time.

March 12, 2023

What would happen if all technology stopped working?

This article explores the potential consequences if all technology suddenly stopped working. It suggests that services such as electricity, water, transportation, communication networks, and food production would be severely disrupted. Furthermore, the global economy would collapse, and vast amounts of data stored digitally would be lost. Moreover, there would be a significant increase in pollution as many of the technologies designed to reduce emissions no longer function. Finally, it would be difficult for people to access basic needs, leading to a disruption of social order.